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$585.50 earned in one day at $0 cost.
$731.50 in commissions earned in 5 days at $0 cost.
Friday, May 30, 2008
All Work, No Play and Still Broke?
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 8:03 AM 4 comments
Labels: affiliate program, home internet business, legitimate home internet business, Melissa Burton, mykidsinheritance, Project Quick Cash
Monday, May 26, 2008
I have a confession to make: I did not join Success University for the outstanding residual income program it offers. When I made a decision to start my own home business, my intention was not to replace my regular job, it was just to supplement it. Like so many people, I had successfully scraped by for over 20 years while raising my three children. We have never had any real luxuries, but I was able to provide a stable home, food on the table and even an occasion budget vacation. In fact, two of my children were already through college, and one of them had a beautiful wedding last year, complete with most of the nice trimmings.
Fortunately, I had no plans at all of every retiring because there is nothing left over. I am very happy to have been able to provide all of these things, but nowhere in my vision was there any allowance for then being able to enjoy my life once my nest began to empty. Being fairly young when I jumped into parenthood, until my grandson came along and my own mother moved out of our childhood home and into a senior living facility, I really did not give a whole lot of consideration into needing just as much money when I reached this new stage of my life at a fairly young age. No plans had been made for my childrens' or my grandchildrens' inheritance.
Now that I no longer have to attend daily practices and sporting events and parent-teacher conferences, I have extra time on my hands. And so, much too late, I begin my journey of making and saving the income for what I will survive on with the bleak prospects of Social Security in our country, and what I would like to pass down to my family when I leave this world. My internet marketing carer was born.
Sure, you can run a minimally successful business from your home on a part-time basis. But with my extremely limited knowledge of the internet marketing world and affiliate programs, I found myself spending endless hours on my home computer searching for answers and devouring an enormous supply of e-books trying to understand just how to make this dream of a successful, legitimate home internet business a reality. Thank goodness that I was introduced to Success University, one of the income streams recommended through the Plug-in-Profit system. My entire education in one place -- who could ask for more?
So each month I eagerly await Matt Morris' newsletter. He is the the founder of Success University, and last month he wrote something about "goals" and "vision" that really hit home:
"We all know what a goal is, but vision is a topic of confusion for many. To put it in the simplest of terms, your vision is how you see yourself. You can set goals all day long, but if you cannot truly see yourself achieving them, your goals will never be realized. To accomplish a goal, you must truly expect to achieve it."
The key word is "see". He was talking directly to me. I never saw myself being able to make a full-time living with my business, instead of having to stay up on my computer until midnight and then struggling to make it into my office a few hours later for my "regular" job. But here were mentors in Success University who had come from much more humble beginnings and been able to forge a career from virtually nothing but the desire to succeed. I had the determination to stick it out through the learning curve, even while doctoring the stomach ulcers I was soon inflicted with as a result of trying to now work a full-time job, a part-time job and keep up with the needs of my family and my network of friends. I was getting it all done, but my home business was going nowhere fast, thanks to my self-imposed restraints of time and resources.
Then Matt told me that we fail to achieve goals because we don't give them real substance in the subconscious by visualizing them taking place. Oh, I have worthy enough goals, but they lack vision. Like Matt Morris, I focused on struggling financially, and so these circumstances came to dominate my subconscious mind. Setting a goal like having a successful home internet business without first seeing a real vision of it being so successful that you can replace your 9-5 existence and have all the things that a successful business can afford means you fail to appeal to your subconscious mind. You must use pictures that compel -- see yourself not bothering to set an alarm clock each night, planning trips to dream destinations, investing money wisely without worry. If you cannot see it, you will never have it.
The subconscious mind will draw on whatever is at hand. If poverty and failure are the only materials available, they will be drawn upon and they will certainly
continue to show up in your life. But you CAN change the vision in your subconscious.
First, be more conscious of spending your time with people who have similar goals and vision. Are you afraid to tell a close friend about your goals? If so, they are not as close a friend as you may have thought. Seek out mentors to guide you on your path. Try an online mentoring program such as Success University.
Look at your past in a more positive light. Turn your past into a source of strength, not weakness and self-defeat. If necessary, change the way you speak and think about yourself. This is where positive thinking is important - in the thoughts you have about yourself.
Finally, build your vision by creating pictures in your mind, as vividly and as often as possible. Again, the support of an organization like Success University will provide you with daily reinforcement and help in this area of personal reorientation. When your subconscious is impressed with a clear vision it will work towards your goals by encouraging you to take action or respond to opportunities. When the inevitable failures and false leads hinder your progress, you will have the basis to fight the urges to just give up.
Tiger Woods, a man who has spent much of his life in the company of great mentors, talks about failure like this: "The most we can ask of ourselves is to give it our best shot, knowing that sometimes we will fail. We are often defined by how we handle that failure."
You too, can achieve your goals - provided you turn them into a compelling vision for your subconscious mind.
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 12:59 PM 2 comments
Labels: home business, legitimate home internet business, Melissa Burton, mykidsinheritance, Success University, successful home business
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Internet Marketing Sponsor in Search of Desperate Losers
It must be a sign of the times. In days past, people fought to keep their personal failures out of the public eye. Nobody wanted to be exposed as bankrupt, homeless, unemployed or a convict. These days, with foreclosure rates at an all-time high, it seems nearly everyone has had some kind of financial or personal crisis they have had to overcome.
In fact, it seems to be the common theme within the internet marketing advertising world – sad luck stories of how two years ago this guy was bankrupt, or how just over a year ago this woman was a single mom living on food stamps. Matt Morris, before he founded Success University, was penniless and living out of his car. Johnny Wimbrey, SU’s National Training Director, was raised in a shelter for abused women after suffering at the hands of an alcoholic parent. One of his brothers still serves time in prison today.
Society’s indignities make for great marketing material. Why? Because their desperation became their motivation. The ability to pull themselves up from the very bottom, with virtually no specialized training and precious few resources makes the victory all that much sweeter. These stories make “regular folks” like you and I think, “If they can do it, I can certainly do it!”
Now don’t get me wrong: because you have a roof over your head and the ability to pay to keep your utilities on each month does not mean you have no shot at success. And never will you hear me say you should try each and every program on the internet first before you come running to me for my nuggets of wisdom on how to quit your 9-5 job.
But here are some of the things that, alone or as a complete set, seem to make aspiring affiliates all the more willing to follow the instruction of a sponsor they know will see them through on their journey to financial independence:
· Disgust – you have reached your absolute wit’s end with your current situation, whether it’s living hand-to-mouth or paycheck-to-paycheck, and though your boss may be getting rich, by your estimation you’ll need to live and work to the age of 140 to have enough money to consider retirement.
· Desire – you want a better life for yourself and your family and you fight to hide the fear in your face when the hot water heater starts leaking or the family car begins to make a funny noise. Little Jane comes home from school and says her friend down the street is getting ready to go on a cruise with her parents for their summer vacation, and you know they went on a safari last year, and you figure nothing ever breaks down at their house.
· Discipline – sure, there are only so many hours in a day, but most of us never stop to think about how much time we really waste. You may not have a college degree, but are you teachable and trainable? I’ve heard it said that when we stop learning, we stop living. So even if it takes a while longer to figure out HTML, you are willing to commit the time you normally spend watching your favorite television programs to picking up a new skill.
· Desperation – you have got to change your situation. The commute is killing you, and your annual sick leave is always used up by April. You are buying lottery tickets each and every week, but you know you are never going to win. There is no “get rich quick” scenario in your future, so stop gambling with it.
You don’t have to look hungry to be hungry. If having your own business is something that interests you, do it. Stop thinking about it, because if you’ve never had your own business you have no idea what to expect anyway. Start by committing your time and the talents you already possess. You know how to do things that you may not even know are going to prove invaluable in your own business. What are you afraid of? Failing? If you never try, your failure is guaranteed.
Melissa Burton, owner of www.mykidsinheritance.com, is a successful home business entrepreneur, and an avid student of Success University. Visit our home page today and sign up for our free home business success newsletter!
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 5:49 PM 1 comments
Labels: affiliate sponsor, home business, internet marketing, Melissa Burton, mykidsinheritance, Success University
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Do you wonder where your day went?
Time Management for the Home Business Owner
If you have your own home business, you know the value of being able to manage time effectively on a daily basis. In order for your new business to succeed, it must be treated like any other full-time job. In fact, if you also happen to be blessed with a family and a home to care for, they are probably the major incentive you had to even start your home business – and the subject of all of your hopes and dreams each day.
Let’s analyze our time. We all think of it in different terms: long, short, boring, stressful, valuable, the best time in my life, horrible, the good old times. This is because time is a very personal thing. And because it is so personal, the only person who can really control how it is spent, or saved, is the individual. Although it may seem to be something you do not have a lot of say in, ultimately you can choose to either waste it, or make the best use of it.
So does time really have a variable speed? When you have tons of things you would like to accomplish in a certain period of time, does it really tend to move faster? And when you seem to be waiting endlessly for news or something you have been anticipating, does time then slow down? Being the boss of your own time is not something you are going to achieve overnight – it is an ongoing process.
My personal experience is that there is a direct correlation between the amount of available time and how badly you really need to "get things done." Because of this, a true overachiever will never feel a real sense of satisfaction, or “time well spent” unless at the same time they experience the symptoms of total exhaustion!
Will power is another important ingredient to maintain focus on the tasks at hand. Why? Because distractions are everywhere: the telephone rings, the neighbor comes for a cup of coffee, the children come home from school, laundry needs to be done, dinner needs to be started, you trip across an interesting website on the internet – well you get the idea.
Here are a few tips how to get started controlling your time:
First of all, analyze your present situation. How are things going in your life and business right now? Make a list of everything that works fine and another one of items or habits that should be improved.
Next, visualize the best of all time schedule you can come up with. When doing this, do ńot worry how to accomplish it. Just picture it in your mind and feel it as if it has already happened and is a reality. Compare the two – if you dońt like what you feel, it is time to change the picture.
If you go deep into the feeling part, it will provide you with the right motivation to change your present unsatisfying situation. You can always go back into that visualization of your ideal to get the support and power for your actions.
Now you must prioritize. Make a list of your daily tasks and evaluate their importance. Maybe also make a list of daily, weekly and monthly tasks. This will only help to lessen your burden for a short while, because tasks without priorities are always going to reside in the back of your mind. When you have sorted out a few and written them down, give them a number according to their importance. You will soon notice that the number of tasks that are really urgent is a relatively small number. You may also see that quite a bit of your day is probably spent on things that could wait.
So at this point you have separated the urgent from the less important. Your next assignment is to figure out at which working speed you are most comfortable. As an example, for me it is totally unacceptable to do things in a hurry. I live by the rule that a job worth doing is worth doing right – the first time. In an office setting, it is said that you should handle each piece of paper in your inbox once to avoid inefficiency.
I want to be satisfied with my work, so I tackle each task completely before moving on to the next. Once you are comfortable with certain elements of your job, then you can estimate how long a certain task will take you to get it done. In my line of work we can use writing an article like this for guidance. Since I have written quite a few articles, unless I have to do extensive research during the process, I have a pretty good idea of how long to allot for an article to be proofed, edited and ready for distribution. So before I even sit down to begin writing, I ensure that I have at least that much time, barring unforeseen circumstances, to complete it without interruptions.
And finally, it is your business and yours alone, so you must be decisive. Decision making is one of the most important tasks in a home business. Sure, you can go to forums or other business owners and ask for input, but “the buck stops here.” This means that the both the consequences and the rewards of each decision are yours, so my suggestion is that you try to be so aware of each important decision that you write them down in your business diary or daybook. This will keep you on track and give you the means to look back, follow your personal development and the progress of your venture, and also be able to justify any recommendations you may give when mentoring other new business owners. Please do not decide in advance that you will never offer guidance to others – we all have a moral and ethical obligation to give back or “pay it forward,” as our way of showing gratitude for our successes.
We are given only 24 hours in each day, and it depends totally on the set of values we carry in our hearts and minds how we experience time, indeed how we spend our lifetime. Sometimes we tend to get lost in greed or certain material goals which do not guarantee a life of happiness and fulfillment. Maybe once in a while it would be a good idea to evaluate what value we place on our lifetime. It is totally up to us to change anything that does not satisfy us.
I must give credit where credit is due -- a special thank you to Success University for providing a sound foundation for the successes I've enjoyed with my own home business.
Your comments are welcome and encouraged.....
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 2:29 AM 8 comments
Labels: blog technorati MelissaBurton mykidsinheritance affiliatesponsor pips sfi homebusiness, home business, Melissa Burton, Success University, time management
Thursday, May 08, 2008
Success: How Do You Define It?
Success: How Do You Define It?
Honestly, we see the word thrown around constantly. If you, like me, are a fan of self-help and motivational books and tapes, you really get a double dose.
“You can have success!”
“Success in 5 easy steps!”
“Success is yours -- follow our simple program!”
If you are a human being with any kind of vision or dream, success is your ultimate goal. But what does that actually mean to you? How do you define success?
Sure, we all want success, but our definition of it is as unique as our reasons for pursuing it. What I consider a success, you may just consider a total failure. It’s just like when you were in school. Some people were ecstatic to get a B on an exam. Other people considered achieving anything less than an A on that same exam to be a personal shortfall.
When you close your eyes, what do you think a successful person looks like? Do you imagine someone with an expensive car, sporting a Rolex watch? Who do you idolize? It could be an award-winning athlete winning a gold medal for your country in the Olympics. Your hero could be a Pulitzer prize winner, or a great contributor to humanity, like Ghandi, Mother Teresa or Martin Luther King, Jr.
Or do you imagine a person surrounded by friends and family, with a huge, smiling face and a wonderful attitude to be the most successful person in the world?
If we have achieved each and every goal we have set for ourselves, but are not happy with our achievements and our life, can we really consider ourselves truly successful? First, we must clearly define our own terms of success.
Consider this: if achieving our immediate or long-range goals does not bring real fulfillment, perhaps those goals that we pursued were not our own. Our parents, peers, teachers, and even our mentors may have their own views of what should constitute success for us. Ultimately, it could take a long time and, sadly, a ton of frustration, to truly comprehend that these successes are not really ours, and never were.
There are just so many different definitions of success. Before we travel the long road on our individual journey to our goals, we need to ensure that we truly understand our own vision of success.
As an example, let us say that you own your own Internet home business. Naturally, you want it to be successful. But what does this success look like for you? Is it enough extra income to take your family on a nice vacation every year? Do you want it to bring you a full time income so you can leave your current job? Or do you aspire to be another Matt Morris of Success University and overcome all adversities and go on to make millions of dollars? Which of these scenarios comes the closest to your dreams?
One of Matt Morris’ favorite sayings is that if your dreams don’t scare you, they just aren’t big enough. Yes, we all have to set our goals high, but if your idea of success is to be a millionaire, the most important thing you will ever learn is how to celebrate your successes along the way. Your heart should leap with that first check you receive, no matter how small – and the next check, and the next one, as you watch them grow.
Then, you will have learned to be successful every single day. With each new skill we learn and then perfect, with every day well spent, with every task we complete, we have made an investment toward reaching this wonderful goal. If you can end each day feeling that you have made some progress toward realizing your dream, then you are indeed a successful person.
Here’s an example. One of my biggest goals is to become a professional speaker. However, I don’t think that I am not successful because I have not yet achieved that. For me, I am successful if every day I am able to motivate an affiliate on my team to move on to the next level with their own business. Sharing the knowledge that I have gathered on my own journey in business and in life takes me one step closer to my main goal. I have other successes, personally and professionally, which I consider to be stepping stones towards more confidence and greater achievement.
While we are aiming for the stars, we also need to look around us and see where we are successful every day. So ask yourself the following: What is important to you? Write a list of your important values such as integrity, humor, family or freedom and make sure your goals fit in with these. When did you last feel happy and proud of yourself? What were you doing, or what had you achieved?
If you want success in life there are many resources, such as life coaching, or online websites such as Success University. But first you need to define success on your own terms. Once you have done that, you take action to achieve it, and you can achieve it every single day.
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 9:56 AM 1 comments
Labels: goal setting, goals, home business, Matt Morris, Melissa Burton, mykidsinheritance, Success, Success University