If you are ready to start a legitimate home internet business, then you are undoubtedly wondering how to go about it in a way that will keep you sane, allow you to make some money, yet that keeps it easy on the finances so that you will not be tempted to run up your credit cards in an effort to stay afloat. There are some simple steps you can take when you are ready to start a business from home:
Do not quit your day job. Yes, it is tempting to do so right away and jump into your business with both feet, but remember that until the money comes in, you will still need to pay your bills! So instead of quitting your jobs altogether, go ahead and see if you can cut your hours, and perhaps work part time. If things go well with your business, you can go ahead and quit your job; on the other hand, if things do not go as well as you anticipated, or if perhaps you decide against running a business at this time, you can increase your hours again to full time status.
Save up some money. When you start a business from home, there will be some expenses you will need to be able to pay. Perhaps you need to get permits or licenses, or maybe you simply need to buy some equipment. It is tempting to go ahead and use your credit cards to get started, or – if the expenses are great – to take out a second mortgage on your home. Do not give in to these temptations, instead, go ahead and save up some money to use it for these reasons.
Create a workspace you will enjoy. Depending on which kind of home business you will start, you will need to have a suitable work area. Make sure that the work area you have mapped out for yourself meets your needs; after all, you will be spending quite a bit of time there!
Create a marketing plan. Whether you are selling a good or service, you want to make sure to get the word out. Networking is important, but do not underestimate the power of email signatures, business cards, and handing out freebies and coupons!
To find the best home based business ideas and
opportunities so you can work at home visit:
Monday, June 23, 2008
How to Start a Business from Home
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 7:13 PM 3 comments
Labels: home based business, home business, legitimate home internet business, mykidsinheritance, work at home
Monday, June 09, 2008
Turning a Difficulty Into an Opportunity
Words of wisdom from my friend Tyler Martin:
"One of the quotes in a book I was reading recently really caught my attention. Here it is:
"What is the difference between
an obstacle and opportunity?
It's our attitude towards it.
Every opportunity has a difficulty,
And every difficulty has an opportunity."
My sister is a good example of a thinking big and turning a
difficulty into an opportunity.
A couple years back, she wanted to make some extra money while
raising her two children. She asked me how she could earn a little
extra on the Internet. She had zero technical skills so there
wasn't a lot I could suggest.
At the time, I knew a little bit about online surveys and decided
to research the various services. I found one that appeared to be
real so she gave it a try.
Since signing up, she has consistently received good surveys and
she's done her part by completing them. She doesn't make a fortune
but earns enough extra money every month to pay the "surprise"
bills and have extra for the little things.
But the story actually gets a little bit better. Couple weeks back
I asked her how she was doing with the surveys. She lit up like a
Christmas tree. She went on to tell me that completing those
surveys has provided her a stepping stone to a bigger opportunity.
It turns out one of her friends owns a small business. This friend
asked my sister to come up with questions to ask her customers so
she could provide them with a better shopping experience. My
sister took her up on it and created a pretty nice report from the
way she explained it. They never really discussed pricing but my
sister provided the report to her friend and she handed my sister a
$500 check for her services.
But it even gets better. This lady has a friend who also owns a
small business and asked my sister for a quote to provide the same
service. Guess how much my sister quoted? $1,000. Yes I'm not
So my sister has developed a skill from answering simple surveys
and now is turning it into a consulting business. Who would have
thought such a small thing could possibly lead into something big?
I'll be first to admit that I let my thinking limit myself at times.
I'm proud of her but more importantly it's the power of turning an
obstacle into an opportunity.
I want to ask a favor of you... If you're hit with an obstacle
this week, think about the quote in this email and see if you can
make it an opportunity.
Talk with you soon,
If you're wondering about survey sites and find yourself in a spot
like my sister, they really can make you a little extra money.
You're not going to get rich but you will make some extra money and
with a little creativity may even turn into something bigger. Here
is a service that I have researched and believe to be reliable.
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 7:53 AM 9 comments
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
HURRY for time-limited discount on a HOT new Clickbank product...
I've just been shown a brand-new package
that's hit the market and I was so blown
away I wanted to share it with you
It's called the Clickbank Profit Pack and
if you order it NOW you get it at a special
"introductory" discounted price:
Clickbank Profit Pack
The special price was SUPPOSE to end 2 days
ago, but the guys launching this are still
putting some final touches on the package
and "tweaking" the website (whatever that means!)
Anyway they are not *quite* ready yet and
have delayed the public launch a few days.
This is great news for you because it also
means they've had to delay putting the price
up too :)
...but the price DOES go up with the full
launch of the website so you really need to
check it out NOW:
Clickbank Profit Pack
I hope this gets to you on time!
To your success,
P.S. This will be an amazing deal at the
$67 - $97 price tag these guys have in mind
for the package, so you should check it out
even if the special has ended by the time
you get there. But if you HURRY, you can
grab it for even less than that!
Not $67, Not even $47, Its.... (go here to see:)
Clickbank Profit Pack
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 2:02 PM 2 comments
Labels: Clickbank, Clickbank Profit Pack