Friday, October 12, 2007

12 Month Internet Millionaire -- Record Breaker, or Scam??

Let me first say this: I don't buy many e-books, marketing tools or courses on the internet. I get my entire marketing and personal dvelopment education from Success University, and I love their program as much today as I did when I started it.

But as you've probably seen, the "12 Month Internet Millionaire" has been causing a major commotion online lately everywhere: in every forum, ezine and blog you see.

The claims just seem too outrageous to be real:

"The Amazing Money-Making Secret of a 28-year-old Convicted Felon Who Earns More Money Per Year Than The CEOs of FedEx... eBay... Time Warner... Apple Computer... McDonalds... Microsoft... Nike... Yahoo... Ford Motor Company... General Motors... and Goodyear COMBINED!"

Oh, come on. I mean, how in the world can a 28 year old guy bring in $100 million in profits in just 23 months, marketing a measly $60 product?

Are you kidding me?

Not to mention he is a convicted felon!

So what is the truth? Is this for real or just a hyped up claim designed to lure people into buying a worthless product?

Here's my take on the whole situation:
I purchased this product two days ago.

It's 6 hours of a multi-, multi- millionaire being grilled for every last secret to his success.

I still haven't finished taking it all in yet, because there is so much information to digest.

If you listen to this guy talk for just ten minutes, you can't help but realize that he is the real deal.

The information he gives is so powerful and so detailed, there is just no way he could be making this stuff up.

As you listen, he reveals secret after secret after secret for 6 long hours!

This interview is an absolute goldmine to anyone that decides to run with it.

After listening to just one hour of the interview, my mind was racing with so many ideas for exploding my business, I had to pace around just release some energy.

If you can, I urge you to grab this interview right now. It is priced really inexpensively right now, but I have been told the price will double or triple within a few days.

So if you are even mildly interested, you need to act fast or a great opportunity will be gone.

So you're probably asking what sold me on buying this particular product besides all the hype: well, this internet millionaire openly states that 98.4% of the people that he send his offers to, don't buy.

That means his sales letter ONLY converted at 1.6% - yet, he was able to make over $100 million in less then 23 months.

Think that you could create an offer that 98.4% who receive it reject...? Ummm, yes.

If so, then the 12 Month Internet Millionaire can help you to turn that idea into millions.

So, let's review: this 28 year old guy made over $100 million dollars (yes ONE HUNDRED MILLION) in 23 months marketing a product that sold for just $60.

Do you think that someone who knows how to sell that much product could teach you something about selling what ever it is that you are selling? I won't even answer that question... :)

This seminar was just compiled into a 6-hour audio course that you can get today for... $997? Nope.... $497? Nope.... $297? $197? Nope, MUCH lower.

Click here to see it....

P.S. You won't believe me when you see the price... but act now!


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