Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Aspiring home business entrepreneurs, I want to get to know you...

...and I want you to get to know me.

I'm proud to be an affiliate sponsor, and I appreciate the trust placed in me.

Here is an interview I did recently that tells my story, in a nutshell.

Your comments are welcomed.


Technorati Profile


Alan Scholtz said...

Hi Melissa

Great interview, you have a very positive outlook. Keep up the excellent work.


Home Based Business Opportunities

Graham Maddison said...

Hi Melissa,

I agree with Alan, great interview. It is nice to see what motivates others and I agree whole heartedly with :

"I'd love to see more importance placed in PIPS on being a good affiliate sponsor. I really don't think it's a numbers game, these are real people, with real hopes, and real dreams and if you can help them shortcut some of the bumps you've already been over, you need to help in any way possible. I don't recommend products or programs to my team that I haven't had success with myself just to make a quick buck. I'm in it for the long haul, and I want each and every member of my team to be there with me."

Nice work and good luck for the future.


Margie Franklin said...

Hi Melissa,

Down to earth & sincere interview. I like the fact that your family is your motivation, as I feel the same.

I wish you much success & applaud you for having the desire to help others with their dreams and goals.

Margie Franklin, The Home Biz Diva
http://www.livethedreamwithfaith.com http://viralurl.com/Blessed-/AdvertiseFree

Bill Shultz said...


That was a great interview that you gave to Doug. It really hit home to me, I'm doing it for my son.

I want him to be able to go for his dreams; if I go for mine then he will see that anything is possible.

Bill Shultz

How to Start an Internet Business