Words of wisdom from "The Jackal":
There are really two fundamental beliefs that
we need to address. I assume you have them already
but I better not assume anything and spell them out.
1) The first belief you've gotta have is to
*PREFER an OWNERSHIP ROLE* over a Job mentality.
2) The second is that you *believe THERE IS A WAY*...
that it IS POSSIBLE for you find success.
Let's drill down on each one.
Start with a fundamental belief
that you can do it and that it's
possible just because you said so!
A simple decision allows you to switch from a
job mentality into an ownership mentality.
That doesn't mean that you quit your job today
(in fact, you can start your internet business
part-time and leverage and gain momentum).
Then decide whether it's something that you want
to do. Whether you want to exit from your job
situation or you want to just use what you're
learning here to augment what you're doing currently.
That's first core belief. Number one, it is
possible to go from a job mentality to an owner
mentality. Then the second piece of that puzzle
is it's possible for me to do it.
"Yes, I can do this!"
I'm telling you that success is learned,
these mentalities that Napoleon Hill, who wrote
Think and Grow Rich, studied in the most successful
people of his time. He interviewed well in excess
of 50 of the most successful people of his time.
We're talking about Andrew Carnegie, Thomas Edison,
Henry Ford, and Firestone. We're talking about
all of the big moguls of this time.
He interviewed all of them.
He discovered two very interesting facts in his
interviews. His whole come-from was that he wanted
to learn whether success left clues, so to speak.
He learned two things that changed me life forever
(and it will change yours too, if you let it):
1. YES, there ARE a common set of traits that
ALL moguls possessed (he discovered 13 of
them that they all had in common).
2. Not one of these super successful people he
interviewed were born with any of the 13
traits... they were ALL LEARNED skills which
means that it's possible for anyone to LEARN
these set of common skills to get rich!
(if that doesn't excite you, I don't know what will)
So Hill discovered that not only did the super
wealthy have a common set of skills but that
every single one of those skills/traits were LEARNED...
which means...
You, too, can LEARN how to BE rich!
See, all the people Napoleon interviewed started
out from a dead-broke-type situation or worse,
and developed the same common 13 success traits
along their life's journeys.
They developed into it, they each did themselves
from a standing stop.
One of the most important of the 13 common success
traits these moguls all had in common that Hill
discovered during his more than 20 years of research
is that the most successful people all have a
BURNING DESIRE to make it happen.
You've got have a BURNING desire for success...
not just a "wouldn't it be nice if it could happen..."
* It's got be a "NOTHING will stop me... get out *
* of my way or you're gonna get hurt..." desire *
* to achieve what you set your sights on. *
Because here's the thing...
Do you think you'll encounter an obstacle or two
along the way in your quest for success?
Of course you will!
Sorry if that comes as a shock to you but even
the best plans executed by the best of us
ALWAYS encounters obstacles that you'll have to
overcome. That's just a reality of LIFE.
There's always challenges to overcome.
If you don't have a real BURNING desire to have
freedom, success, and riches then you'll give up
at the first minor setback or challenge that
gets thrown your way. But if you DO have a
BURNING desire, nothing will deter you because
you know that all obstacles are ALWAYS temporary.
That with a burning desire, you will conquer
whatever comes because you know there's always
an answer that will turn it around for you if
you ask the right questions and expect to find
the solutions you need.
The more compelling reasons why you want to
build something, the greater leverage you have
to accomplish it. Show me somebody with a big
enough 'why' and I'll show you someone who's
making things happen.
Another of the common success traits Napoleon Hill
discovered was successful people all gathered
SPECIALIZED KNOWLEDGE (which is what this report
is really all about, giving specialized knowledge
that you can use to manifest into tangible wealth).
There are all types of learning that you can go through.
The most valuable in learning is actual experience.
It's the most valuable learning that you can take
advantage of.
However, it's also the most expensive.
What will it cost you to blindly try different
things without knowing what you're really doing?
Trial and Error is a great teacher for sure,
but it also tends to HURT (plus, much of the hurt
can be eliminated when you get good at gather
the right kind of specialized knowledge).
That's what happens when you have an
apprentice/mentoring relationship. Someone who's
already traveled the road before you takes you by
the hand and gives you real world experiences
through their specialized knowledge so you can have
the shortcuts of THEIR trial and errors and
you get your experience following proven guidance.
Somebody to show you the ropes.
It's like a carpenter who brings on an apprentice
and teaches them everything they know about their
craft. Gives them the ins and the outs,
the shortcuts, strategies, and the ways to be
efficient and effective with time. But they learn
by doing and therefore get the necessary experience
without the pain.
So it is with business and why taking the time to
learn is probably one of the most valuable pieces
of information, but here's the key. You've got to
really identify this key question with specialized
Who am I learning from?
Who am I learning from? Most people learn from
their friends, their families, their co-workers
and so on.
There was an interesting concept revealed years ago
by either Mark Victor Hansen or Randy Gage.
That concept said if you will add up the average
income of five of your closest friends, if you
average those five closest friends' average income,
chances are that yours is going to fall right there.
It comes back to who are you learning from?
Who is your coach? Are you learning from someone
who's successful?
Because I promise you someone who's got a mind set
of earning $50,000, $70,000, $90,000 CANNOT mentor
you how to make $200,000. Likewise, someone who's
in a job with a $200,000 a year SALARY CANNOT teach
you how to make $200,000 in a business (they may be
a good mentor to show you how to play politics and
work your way up the corporate ladder to reach that
salary, but definitely NOT qualified to teach you
about owning your own business).
As the old concept goes, if you feed a man a fish,
you feed him for a day. If you teach a man to fish,
you feed him for a lifetime.
It's really the mind set and what we're talking about
in relation to the Think and Grow Rich concept,
the principles. Taking advantage of specialized
knowledge is the ability to take the time to learn
from people who are documented and successful.
It's also important to understand that your
learning is happening whether you're doing it
intentionally or not.
What happens is that you end up learning from
your peers. You end up having habitual learning
patterns develop unless you decide to control
them yourself. When we talk about learning in an
apprentice-type situation and being careful who
you're learning from, the question isn't,
"Are you learning?" because you are;
you're learning all the time.
You're following the lead of the people
around you. The question is,
"Are the people who you're
following leading you really and
truly where you want to go?"
That's why it's so important that you understand
your inc0me will be an average of the incomes of
the people who influence you most (or the people
who you hang around the most with on a regular
basis, who you spend time with, who you consider
to be friends or family).
Take the five closest people next to you,
add up all their incomes, and then divide by five.
Bet you discover it's downright spooky that
it's the exact income you personally make
plus or minus a little bit).
The good news is that if your inc0me isn't
where you want it to be, then you just need
to raise the element of the people who you're
hanging around with, i.e., look for new areas
that you can learn from.
Learn from the people, make your quest to learn,
and discover how to do this, a lifelong journey
so that you raise your element of who you're
learning from on an ongoing basis.
Now this special report is going to do a lot of
that for you. If anything, hopefully, what
we're going to do is we're going to open your
eyes to the possibilities that exist out there.
Besides the possibilities, is that not only is
it possible, but people have done it time and
time again. People have literally taken $20
and turned it into $1 million.
It's *not* debatable whether it does work.
It *does* work.
The question is will you be able to duplicate
that process? Will you be able to take these
principles and duplicate it?
That is all going to come down to your belief
in yourself and then your belief that it's
possible to make it happen. I can give you all
the proof and documentation, and we've done that,
exactly (how these methods come together and
work for you and work for others).
It's going to be up to you to actually utilize
them and put them into action. Just because
they work doesn't mean that you're going to
be able to utilize them unless you decide to
put it into action.
That leads us to the next phase that they
studied in the book Think and Grow Rich as
one of the most important components of being
able to build a business. By the way, going
back to specialized knowledge and who is your
coach, who are you spending your time learning
from? There are all types of methodologies
to get education.
Success University's program provides a way.
SU opens doors and new possibilities for you,
and provides opportunities to learn from
some of the leading minds in the world today
with different types of events, teleseminar
trainings, the opportunity to read and learn).
Moving onward...
Anyway, you can learn through books, you can
learn through serendipitous mentors, you can
learn through training courses.
You can learn through ongoing education,
training seminars; those are some incredible,
incredible resources where you can get a chance
to rub elbows with other like-minded people and
network. That's the sole purpose of Success University,
so you can get the chance to learn from other
people who are having success.
Since I'm on a roll here discussing some of
the most important key concepts that Napoleon Hill
discovered in his research, here's another trait
that all mega successful have mastered:
Successful People Are **DECISIVE**!
Have you ever noticed that very successful people
have no problem making a decision. They decide
their course of action and then immediately execute
their decision. They do their homework and
then pull the trigger fast on their decisions.
So, what's your decision about starting your
own business? Is it something you're going to try?
As Yoda said in "Star Wars" years and years ago,
for some of you who've never really seen "Star Wars,"
the character Yoda had this saying,
"There's no such thing,
Luke, as try; only do."
The amazing part of it is, are you planning to
win or are you hedging your bets? Think and Grow Rich,
identified the wealthiest people have an innate
ability to make decisions quickly, efficiently
and effectively. They rarely change their minds.
Unsuccessful people, however, on the other hand,
have a tendency to be very casual (and dare I say,
even LAZY) in their decision-making process.
They're the type of people frequently who say,
"I just need to think about it or take my time."
But in reality they truly aren't thinking about
it all. In fact, they use it as an excuse to
POSTONE making a decision at all.
Once they actually finally get around to making
a decision, whenever that might be, they usually
change their minds frequently.
Successful people have the ability to make
decisions quickly, efficiently and effectively
and stick to it; unsuccessful people waver in
their decisions, they hem and haw.
Then once they make a decision, they change
it all the time. But the true definition of a
"decision" means "to cut off all other possibilities."
It come down to personal responsibility.
When a successful person makes a decision,
they take full responsibility for that decision.
Right or so-called "wrong," that doesn't matter
because they take full responsibility for the
decisions they make.
They take ownership of their decisions because
they know the only way to true freedom is the
"buck stops here" attitude.
Besides, there's really no negativity or
positivity assigned to that decision.
The only thing to think about is
"Did that decision take me closer to where
I want to be or further away from where
I want to be?" Then you can make another
decision from there as to what's next.
Compare that to unsuccessful people.
They always want to shuck responsibility.
They want to put the responsibility for a
decision that they made on somebody else's
shoulders, for example,
Blame. Victim-hood...
"It wasn't my fault that didn't work out
because of all these other exterior circumstances
that are outside my control. Now it's not
my fault that I didn't meet the deadline."
Or, "It's not my fault that I didn't have
success," or "I got screwed...."
* Successful people, regardless of the *
* outcome, take responsibility and say: *
* *
* "It's my responsibility... *
* if it's to be, it's up to me." *
If the decision you make doesn't lead you
where you wanted it to, the successful person
takes full responsibility for where they are
because they know that's the only way they can
maintain total control over their mindset.
And that's what gives them the ability to
make a new and better decision so they can
overcome the obstacles and get closer to
where they want to be.
Understand that one of the biggest obstacles to
success is your ability to "live above the line."
Basically, when you're talking about success,
a great philosopher in the world today shared
this simple idea, and that is this. You can
live below the line or above the line.
Most people choose, and it's a choice,
to live below the line in the victim role,
in the blame role, in the justify role.
Very few people ever choose, and again,
it's a choice, to live above the line,
taking full responsibility. If it's to be,
it's up to you. If it's going to happen,
it's really going to be up to you.
Now the beauty is you can shorten your
learning curve. You can learn from other people.
You can take the time through processes
like this, through educational resources
like this, to get a chance to learn, number one,
how to think like a business owner, how to
start acting like a business owner to build success.
It is different, it is unique compared to
what we've been trained in our traditional
education system. Our traditional education
system taught us to give our mindset to
somebody else, taught us to give the thought
process to somebody apparently smarter than us.
Do you know what?
You *are* smart enough.
You *are* good enough.
You *are* talented enough.
Realize that this is a business journey that
you're on. This is a quest, so to speak,
that you're on in starting and running your
own business. Appreciate that it's a journey,
it's a journey with flexibility as obstacles
do come up and challenges do come up.
It's not that it's successful and then
there's this end-all. No, it will adjust
and time adjusts, markets adjust,
things adjust, product lines adjust.
It's about flexibility. It's about having
the ability to be able to blend in and
move with the paces. Once you have the mindset
right going in to Success University's program,
there's no limit. The potential is unlimited
in what you can achieve.
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Wednesday, April 09, 2008
The TWO Fundamental Beliefs
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 6:54 AM
Labels: legitimate home internet business, Melissa Burton, mykidsinheritance, Napoleon Hill, Success University
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