If you are ready to start a legitimate home internet business, then you are undoubtedly wondering how to go about it in a way that will keep you sane, allow you to make some money, yet that keeps it easy on the finances so that you will not be tempted to run up your credit cards in an effort to stay afloat. There are some simple steps you can take when you are ready to start a business from home:
Do not quit your day job. Yes, it is tempting to do so right away and jump into your business with both feet, but remember that until the money comes in, you will still need to pay your bills! So instead of quitting your jobs altogether, go ahead and see if you can cut your hours, and perhaps work part time. If things go well with your business, you can go ahead and quit your job; on the other hand, if things do not go as well as you anticipated, or if perhaps you decide against running a business at this time, you can increase your hours again to full time status.
Save up some money. When you start a business from home, there will be some expenses you will need to be able to pay. Perhaps you need to get permits or licenses, or maybe you simply need to buy some equipment. It is tempting to go ahead and use your credit cards to get started, or – if the expenses are great – to take out a second mortgage on your home. Do not give in to these temptations, instead, go ahead and save up some money to use it for these reasons.
Create a workspace you will enjoy. Depending on which kind of home business you will start, you will need to have a suitable work area. Make sure that the work area you have mapped out for yourself meets your needs; after all, you will be spending quite a bit of time there!
Create a marketing plan. Whether you are selling a good or service, you want to make sure to get the word out. Networking is important, but do not underestimate the power of email signatures, business cards, and handing out freebies and coupons!
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Monday, June 23, 2008
How to Start a Business from Home
Posted by mykidsinheritance at 7:13 PM
Labels: home based business, home business, legitimate home internet business, mykidsinheritance, work at home
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Hi Melissa,
This post is something anyone thinking of starting a home business should read. Thanks for sharing this with the "up and coming".
Peter Lee
Home Business Ideas: Link Building Strategy - Deep Links (Part 1)
Hi, Melissa:
Excellent advice on how to start a business from home. Planning your finances, developing a business plan, and committing a specific working space are all very important and will help advance the business quicker.
GT Bulmer
StarrBizz.com – Internet Home Business Ideas and Opportunities
Hi Melissa,
Yes, this is very god advice for anyone starting a home internet business. Plan, budget, and work your way to success.
Alan Thomas
Stay At Home Moms Business Opportunity
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